Scholarship Resource Guide

For support in the 2025-2026 Academic Year

This is an informative resource guide for students, parents, and educators.

MALDEF is not a direct provider of the scholarships on this list.

If you are interested in any of the scholarships listed here,
please contact the organization directly using the information provided.  The information provided is accurate as of publication, but always verify with scholarship providers. Thank you.

Esta lista es una fuente informativa para estudiantes, padres, maestros y consejeros.

MALDEF no es un proveedor directo de las becas en esta lista.

Si usted está interesada/o en alguna de las becas que están nombradas, por favor comuníquese directamente con la organización, usando la información que proveímos. La información proveída es correcta al ser publicada, pero siempre debe verificar detalles con quien proveen las becas. Gracias.



MALDEF is pleased to provide this extensive list of scholarships, including many that do not inquire about immigration status or require a valid social security number.  The overview of scholarships provided includes website links that you are advised to visit for more complete details as it is not practical to list every requirement of each scholarship. Please read through, or download, the information here and select scholarships that are applicable to you.  As a general rule, if an application asks for your social security number and you do not have one yet, leave that space blank but fill out and turn in the otherwise completed application. Many scholarship awards can be processed with just the student’s name and address. If a scholarship specifically requests a Social Security Number (SSN), ask if it is possible to submit an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) instead. An important reminder: Dishonesty about your legal status or providing a false social security number is a federal offense. 

MALDEF suggests that you:

  1. Contact the organization that offers any scholarship you are interested in and ask if you meet the qualifying criteria to apply for and receive the scholarship.
  2. Review other scholarship lists and resources provided at the end of this document.  Also, inquire with your guidance counselor at school to learn about scholarship opportunities in your local area. Current college students are familiar with scholarships and can serve as a valuable resource.
  3. Beware of scholarship scams. DO NOT pay any organization, company, or individual to help you apply for scholarships, conduct a scholarship search, or provide access to scholarship lists. Some scholarship programs require a minimal application processing fee but should NEVER ask for a higher fee to apply for a scholarship.  

MALDEF se complace en proveer una lista extensa de becas, incluyendo muchas que no preguntan acerca de su estatus migratorio ni piden un número válido de seguro social. Este resumen de becas contiene enlaces de sitio web que se les recomienda utilizar para obtener información más detallada ya que no es práctico incluir todos los requisitos de cada beca en esta lista. Por favor lea o descargue la información proveída en esta lista y seleccione las becas que son aplicables a usted. Como regla general, si una aplicación pide su número de seguro social y usted no tiene uno todavía, deje ese espacio en blanco, pero llene y entregue el resto de la solicitud completa. Muchas becas se pueden procesar con solamente el nombre y domicilio del estudiante. Si una beca específicamente solicita un número de seguro social, pregunte si es posible presentar un ITIN en su lugar. Deshonestidad sobre su estatus migratorio o dar un número de seguro social falso es un delito federal.

MALDEF sugiere que usted:

  1. Contacte las organizaciones que ofrecen las becas que le interesan y pregunte si usted cumple el criterio para aplicar y recibir la beca. 
  2. Revise otras listas de becas y recursos proveídos al fin de este documento. También pregunte con su consejero en la escuela para aprender más sobre becas en su área local. Estudiantes universitarios actuales están familiarizados con becas y pueden servir como un recurso valioso.
  3. Cuidado con las estafas de becas. NO pague a ninguna organización, empresa o individuo para ayudarle a solicitar becas, realizar una búsqueda de becas, o para el acceso a las listas de becas. Algunos programas de becas requieren una mínima tarifa para procesar la aplicación, pero NUNCA deben pedir una tarifa mayor para aplicar.

Please note: the scholarships on this list are ordered by their application deadlines. Please visit the scholarship links for news on when applications open.

Tenga en cuenta: las becas en esta lista están ordenadas según los plazos de solicitud. Por favor visite los enlaces para obtener noticias sobre cuándo se abren las solicitudes.

California students:

As a result of the enactment of AB 130, the California Dream Act of 2011, California public colleges and universities have introduced their own Dream Act scholarships on a rolling basis.  To find out if your college or university has scholarship opportunities available to undocumented students, inquire with your campus’ scholarship and/or financial aid office.  AB 130 scholarships will be privately funded, so program availability may be limited and highly competitive. Be sure to continue to advocate for these scholarship resources at your college or university.  Let campus administrators know that the undocumented students on campus have a dire need for financial support.


BMI Student Composer Award

Award: Up to $20,000
Deadline: Typically closes in January; please visit website for details.

  • Currently studying music, either in an educational institution or privately.
  • Under the age of 28 as of February 15, 2025.
  • Must be in residence in the United States or its territories or citizens of any country in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Has not won a BMI Student Composer Award more than two times (Honorable Mention excluded). 

Opportunity Scholarship for Locked-Out Dreamers

Award: Up to $100,000 in total for a bachelor’s degree at one of the Opportunity Partner Colleges.
Deadline: Typically closes in January; please visit website for details.

  • Are undocumented and came to the U.S. before November 1, 2019, and have continuously lived in the United States since then or have DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) or TPS (Temporary Protected Status).
  • Came to the U.S. before the age of 16 (if you were born in the U.S. – you are not eligible).
  • Have significant unmet financial need.
  • Live in and have graduated or will graduate from a high school in a targeted locked-out state by the end of the academic year.
  • Graduated or will graduate with a high school GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale or have cumulative college/university GPA of 2.5 or better.
  • Intend to relocate to and enroll full-time in a bachelor’s degree program at an Opportunity Partner College in the fall term of the academic year.

Princeton Prize in Race Relations

Award: Multiple Scholarships available; $2,500 and an all-expenses-paid weekend to a national symposium on race at Princeton University.
Deadline: Typically closes in January; please visit website for details.

  • Must be currently enrolled in grades 9-12 to qualify for the Princeton Prize.
  • Both parts of the application must be completed to be considered for the prize.
  • Your sponsor/supporter can be a teacher, adviser, community or religious leader, or any other adult who is not related to you but knows about your racial equity efforts and your efforts to improve racial understanding in your school or community.
  • It may be necessary for you to provide a U.S. taxpayer identification number to collect the cash award.

Radio Television Digital News Association

Award: Multiple scholarships available; award amounts vary; please visit website.
Deadline: Typically closes in January; please visit website for details.

  • Must be a student or professional studying or working in the United States.
  • Must be pursuing a career in radio, television, or digital journalism.
  • Must be officially enrolled as a full-time sophomore, junior, or senior in good standing when scholarship is awarded for the upcoming academic year.
  • Scholarship and fellowship winners are also asked to attend the RTDNA conference free of charge and with travel support.
  • Students are not eligible to receive the same scholarship more than once but can receive a Fellowship in the future.


Ascend Educational Fund Scholarship

Award: $2,500 – $20,000
Deadline: Typically closes in February; please visit website for details.

  • Must be born outside the U.S. or have two parents born outside of the U.S.
  • Must be a graduating senior at a high school in one of the five boroughs of New York City.
  • Must enroll full-time at an accredited public or private college or university in the Fall following graduation from high school.

California’s Wine Grape Growers Foundation Scholarship Program

Award: $2,000 – $8,000; multiple scholarships available; please visit website for details.
Deadline: February 28, 2025

  • Be graduating from high school and planning to attend a California four-year university/state college or a two-year community college in the fall. Current college students are not eligible to apply.
  • Have a parent or legal guardian who was employed by a California winegrape grower during the current or past growing season.
  • Complete the application.
  • Attach an official high school transcript.
  • Provide a letter of recommendation from an instructor, school principal or counselor that includes their signature and provides the address, telephone number and position held at the school.
  • Submit a 500-word essay (approximately two pages, see application for details). 

Esperanza Education Fund

Award: Up to $5,000; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Bachelor Degree-seeking applicants February 1, 2025. Associate Degree-seeking applicants April 1, 2025.

  • Applicant must be born outside the U.S. or have two parents born outside the U.S.
  • Applicant must be either a graduating senior at a high school in the District of Columbia, Maryland, or Virginia or have earned a GED within the last four years and reside in District of Columbia, Maryland, or Virginia.
  • Applicant must plan to enroll full-time in an accredited, public two-year community college or four-year college/university in the U.S., for the academic year.
  • Applicant must have had a family income of less than $129,100; varies by the number of people in the family, please visit website for details.
  • There is no citizenship requirement. 

Hispanic Scholarship Foundation: Scholar Program

Award: $500 – $5,000; multiple scholarships available.
Deadline: February 15, 2025

  • Must be of Hispanic heritage.
  • U.S. citizen, permanent legal resident, or DACA recipient.
  • Minimum of a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for high school students.
  • Minimum of a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Plan to enroll full-time in an accredited, public, or not-for-profit, four-year university, or graduate school, in the U.S., for the upcoming academic year.
  • Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or state-based financial aid forms (if applicable). 

National Scholarship for High School and Community College Graduates

Award: Up to $33,000 based on the degree and the cost of tuition at one of the Partner Colleges.
Deadline: February 28, 2025

  • Are undocumented and came to the U.S. before November 1, 2019, and have continuously lived in the U.S. since then or have DACA or TPS.
  • Came to the U.S. before the age of 16 (if you were born in the U.S. – you are not eligible).
  • Have significant unmet financial need.
  • Have graduated or will graduate from a U.S. high school (or have earned or will earn a high school equivalency diploma) before the fall of 2025.
  • Graduated or will graduate with a high school GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale or have a cumulative college GPA of 2.5 or better.
  • Intend to enroll full-time in an associate or bachelor’s degree program at a Partner College in your state in the fall of 2025 or spring of 2026.
  • Are eligible for in-state tuition at the Partner College you want to attend (not applicable if it is a private Partner College in your state).

Point Foundation: Community College Scholarship

Award: $2,400 per semester or $4,800 per academic year.
Deadline: February 20, 2025, at 5pm PST/8pm EST

  • Must be enrolled or intending to enroll at an accredited community college based in the U.S., including Hawaii and Alaska.
  • Must use scholarship funds at an accredited U.S. higher education institution between fall 2025 and spring 2026.
  • Be enrolled or intend to enroll in an associate degree or cosmetology degree/certificate program.
  • Must have one – two years of community college left AND (1) intend to transfer to a bachelor’s degree program at a four-year college or university within two years OR (2) graduate with an associate’s degree within two years.
  • Must be enrolled at least half-time (six credits) to maintain the scholarship.
  • Must be “out” as a person who identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community.

Pursuit of Excellence Scholarships

Award: $500 – $9,000
Deadline: February 28, 2025

  • Must have a family income that does not exceed $80,000.
  • Must have graduated from one of Pursuit of Excellence’s targeted high schools or community colleges. Please check website under qualifications.
  • Must graduate from high school in Northern California and in good standing and plan to attend a four-year university or a community college and then transfer to a four-year institution.
  • For community college transfer applicants, students must apply to transfer to a University of California and be eligible to transfer the year they apply.
  • Preference given to students who have worked during their high school years.


Beca Foundation General Scholarship Fund

Award: $500 – $1,000
Deadline: March 30, 2025

  • Requires an applicant to be a 2025 San Diego County high school graduate who is entering college in the fall 2025.
  • Must include two letters of recommendation, personal statement, academic transcripts, and Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) based on your Student Aid Report (SAR).

Chicana/Latina Foundation Scholarship Program

Award: $1,500; Multiple scholarships available.
Deadline: March 31, 2025

  • Self-identify as Chicana and/or Latina.
  • Must have lived at least two years in one of the following counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, Sacramento, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, San Francisco, Sonoma, or Yolo.
  • Be enrolled in an accredited university or community college in one of the following counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, Sacramento, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, San Francisco, Sonoma, or Yolo.
    • Community College and Undergraduate students must:
      • Be enrolled as a full-time college student (as defined by your institution) when applying and for the following academic year.
      • Have completed 12 college units after high school graduation.
      • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 college coursework.
    • Graduate students must:
      • Be enrolled graduate/professional students completing course/thesis/dissertation; or have been accepted into graduate/profession school.
      • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.7 for college course work.
    • Commit to attending the CLF Leadership Institute Sessions and CLF Annual Awards Dinner.
    • Commit to volunteering 10 hours as a CLF ambassador. 

Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education (ILACHE) Scholarships

Award: $1,000
Deadline: Typically closes in March; please visit website for details.

  • Must be an Illinois resident, high school senior or Latino/a/x undergraduate student who has a current cumulative GPA of at least a 3.00 from a regionally accredited Illinois college/university or high school.
  • Graduating high school seniors (must be registered as full-time students at an Illinois college or university in the Fall semester before the scholarship funds are disbursed).
  • Undergraduate students must be enrolled full-time during the Fall semester.
  • Must be of Latinx descent. Undocumented students, including DACA recipients, U.S. citizens (U.S. born or naturalized) and permanent legal residents are welcome to apply.
  • Students must demonstrate leadership potential. 

Latin American Educational Foundation Scholarship

Award: $2,000 – $3,000 based on degree; please visit website for details.
Deadline: March 15, 2025

  • Must be a resident of Colorado – regardless of legal residency status or citizenship.
  • Identify as Hispanic/Latino heritage and/or be actively involved in the Hispanic/Latino community.
  • Must have a cumulative high school or college GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  • Open to high school seniors and college undergraduate students.

Leonard M. Perryman Communications Scholarship for Racial Ethnic Minority Students

Award: $2,500
Deadline: March 15, 2025

  • Must be a United Methodist ethnic minority student enrolled at the junior or senior level in the journalism or communications department of an accredited college or university in the United States.
  • Christian commitment and involvement in the life of the United Methodist Church.
  • Academic achievement as revealed by transcripts, grade point averages and the required letters of reference.
  • Journalistic experience and/or evidence of journalistic talent.
  • Clarity of purpose in plans and goals for the future.
  • Potential professional ability as a religion journalist.

 Maisin Scholar Award

Award: Up to $3,000 annually for up to four years; multiple scholarships available.
Deadline: March 3, 2025

  • Are a San Francisco Unified School District senior with at least a cumulative unweighted GPA between 2.0 and 3.5.
  • Have demonstrated financial need.
  • Will attend college or an accredited educational program in the fall of your high school graduation year.
  • Are committed to your post-secondary education.

Microsoft HOLA Scholarship

Award: $2,500 – $20,000; varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Deadline: March 13, 2025

  • Be a U.S.-based high school senior of Hispanic and Latinx descent.
  • Be a U.S. citizen, permanent legal resident, or DACA recipient.
  • Plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study in Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, or one of the following Business programs – Business Administration, Finance or Marketing at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational school, in the U.S. for the entire upcoming academic year.
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. 

Microsoft Women Scholarship

Award: $5,000; multiple scholarships available.
Deadline: March 13, 2025

  • Must be a graduating high school senior who identifies as a woman and/or non-binary, gender fluid or transgender woman.
  • Plan to enroll in full-time in a tech, engineering, math, or computer science related undergraduate study.
  • Plan to attend an accredited two- or four-year public or private college or university or vocational-technical college in the U.S. for the entire upcoming academic year.
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. 

Pacific Gas and Electric Company Better Together STEM Scholarship

Award: $2,500 – $10,000
Deadline: March 14, 2025

  • Be a high school senior or graduate; an individual who has earned a GED; a current college undergraduate; or a non-traditional student.
  • Reside in Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s service territory or be a dependent of a resident in PG&E service territory. See list of counties identified by PG&E.
  • Plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited four-year college or university in California or a Historical Black College or University (HBCU) for the entire upcoming academic year.
  • The applicant must be pursuing their first undergraduate degree.
  • Must be pursuing a degree in one of the following STEM disciplines:
    • Engineering (e.g., electrical, mechanical, industrial, environmental, power and/or energy)
    • Computer Science/Information Systems
    • Cyber Security
    • Environmental Sciences
    • Math
    • Physics 

San Diego Foundation Scholarships

Award: Varies by scholarship.
Deadline: March 5, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. PST

  • Commitment to your education.
  • Potential for success for in college.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0.
  • Participation in community service, extracurricular activities and/or work experience.
  • Current residence in San Diego County (for at least one year).
  • Need help to pay for school (including middle-income families).
  • In lieu of the FSS please complete a FAFSA estimatorto upload a completed FAFSA or CA Dream Act and Student Aid Report (SAR). This is necessary for all applicants. Recommendation: Please start ASAP as this information is needed to fill out the application.
  • Scholarships are available for:
    • Graduating high school senior.
    • Current college students (undergraduate or graduate).
    • Adult re-entry students.
    • Students with financial needs (includes middle-income families).
    • Students attending four-year universities, community colleges or career/technical schools.

The Andrés y María Cárdenas Family Foundation

Award: Please visit website for details.
Deadline: March 14, 2025

  • Must submit GPA and letters of recommendation.
  • Must be a senior or have graduated from one of the following Northeast San Fernando Valley high schools: Arleta, Cesar Chavez Learning Academies, James Monroe, Kennedy, Mc Alister, Mission Continuation, North Hollywood, Panorama, Polytechnic, San Fernando, Sylmar, Sylmar Bio Magnet and Van Nuys.
  • OR: Must be enrolled as a full-time student at Los Angeles Mission College.
  • OR: Must be accepted or enrolled in a community college, college, or university in the fall and in attendance through spring as a full-time student.
  • Must carry at least 12 units as an undergraduate student.
  • Must apply for federal financial aid using FAFSA; however, AB540 students are eligible to apply if they meet the above general eligibility requirements. 

The Asian Pacific Fund

Award: Up to $5,000; multiple scholarships available; please visit website for details.
Deadline: First deadline is March 21, 2025; please visit website for details.
Requirements: Varies by scholarship.

USC Topping Scholar

Award: Full financial aid at USC.
Deadline: Freshman applicants – March 1, 2025. Transfer and graduate applicants – June 1, 2025; please visit website for details.

  • Applying to USC for fall as a full-time freshman, transfer or graduate student, or new spring admit.
  • Submitted a FAFSA or Dream Act application and expected family contribution is less than $20,000.
  • Demonstrate strong community awareness and contribute to the betterment of a community through volunteer efforts.

UC Berkeley Undergraduate Dream Act Scholarship

Award: Up to $8,000
Deadline: Typically closes in March; please visit website for details.

  • Must be a current UC Berkeley undergraduate or 2025 spring semester admitted student.
  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
  • Must qualify for an AB-540 nonresident tuition exemption.
  • Must be ineligible for federal financial aid.


Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund

Award: Up to $15,000
Deadline: April 1, 2025

  • Must demonstrate activism in movements for progressive social change. This work is characterized by an opposition to capitalism, racism/white supremacy, sexism, gender-based violence, and other forms of systemic harm and oppression.
  • Must have applied to or be enrolled in an accredited college/university or trade school. Graduate students are eligible to apply.
  • Must demonstrate financial need.
  • Undocumented students are invited to apply. 

Google Lime Scholarship Program

Award: Multiple scholarships available; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Typically closes in April; please visit website for details.

  • Have, or consider themselves to have, a visible or invisible disability (see Lime Connect’s approach to disability here).
  • Must be currently enrolled as a full-time student in a bachelor’s program at an accredited university or college for the academic year.
  • Must intend to be enrolled in or accepted as a full-time student in a bachelor’s program at an accredited university in the U.S. or Canada for the academic year.
  • Must demonstrate a strong academic record.
  • Additional requirements vary by scholarship; please visit website for details.

Great Minds in STEM Scholarship

Award: $500 – $5,000
Deadline: Typically closes in April; please visit website for details.

  • Must demonstrate merit through academic achievements, leadership and campus/community activities.
  • Must be a science, technology, engineering or math
  • Must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
  • Must be of Hispanic descent and/or must demonstrate significant leadership or service within the underserved
  • May be enrolled full-time or part-time at the time of application and the time of the scholarship award.
  • Must be enrolled in a STEM or health-related undergraduate or graduate program for the upcoming fall semester, at an accredited two-year or four-year college/university in the U.S. or its territories.

Hispanic Scholarship Consortium: Scholars Program

Award: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Deadline: April 30, 2025

  • Be of Hispanic/Latino heritage.
  • Plan to enroll on a full-time basis in a certificate or associate, bachelor, master or doctoral degree program.
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
  • Reside in Texas.
  • U.S. citizenship not required.

Phi Delta Kappa International Scholarship Program

Award: $500 – $4,000
Deadline: April 2, 2025

  • A paid member in good standing of one of the following associations: Educators Rising, Educators Rising Collegiate, Phi Delta Kappa, and/or Pi Lambda Theta.
  • Pursuing a career in public education.
  • Enrolled full- or part-time for the fall semester of the application year. If you will not be enrolled and paying tuition and fees in the fall, then you are not eligible.


Anthem Essay Contest

Award: $25 – $2,000
Deadline: Typically closes in May; please visit website for details.

  • Must be an 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade student anywhere in the world.
  • Undocumented students are encouraged to apply. 

Byron Hanke Fellowship

Award: $3,000 – $5,000
Deadline: May 1, 2025

  • Applicants must be enrolled, at time of application and through the research period, in a graduate level program, (masters, doctoral, legal) at an accredited higher education institution in the U.S. or Canada.
  • Students from any relevant discipline may apply for the Hanke Fellowship, provided their research project relates to community associations and/or common interest communities.

Cal Alumni Association – The Achievement Award Program

Award: $6,000 per academic year.
Deadline: May 12, 2025

  • Must be eligible for Cal Grant B.
  • Must have completed high-school, GED requirements or community college transfer requirements in California, please note this is regardless of immigration status.
  • Must be an incoming freshman or community college junior transfer student.
  • Must be a registered UC Berkeley student for the upcoming fall and through the spring. 

Support Creativity Scholarships

Award: $1,000; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Typically closes in May; please visit website for details.

  • Attend a college or graduate school in the New York area (NY, NJ, CT, or PA) in the fall of the upcoming year.
  • Must be a passionate creative student.
  • Major in graphic design, illustration, motion graphics, videography, or web design.
  • There is no GPA requirement.
  • Submit application online.

TELACU Education Foundation College Success Program

Award: $500 – $5,000
Deadline: Typically closes in May. Currently only accepting renewal applications; complete the 2025-2026 interest form. Please visit website for details.

  • Must be a first-generation college student.
  • Must demonstrate financial need.
  • Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
  • Must be enrolled full-time in a four-year institution.
  • Permanent resident of the California counties of Los Angeles, Orange, or San Bernardino.
  • STEM or Business major preferred.


Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship Program

Award: $10,000; multiple scholarships available.
Deadline: Typically closes in June; please visit website for details.

  • Must be from a minority group underrepresented at the following universities:
    • University of California -Berkeley School of Law
    • Stanford School of Law
    • University of California -Hastings College of the Law
    • Santa Clara University School of Law
    • University of San Francisco School of Law

Cal Alumni Association – The Leadership Award

Award: $2,500 per year renewable for up to 4 years; please visit website for details.
Deadline: June 2, 2025

  • Must demonstrate innovative, motivational leadership impacting academic, work or community environments for previous academic year.
  • Must be Pell Grant Eligible, California Dream Act, and AB540 students are eligible to apply.
  • Be admitted and enrolled at UC Berkeley.
  • Must be an incoming freshman or incoming junior transfer.
  • Virtual interview or in-person interview.
  • Submit a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) to UC Berkeley. 

Puerto Rican Bar Association (PRBA) Scholarship Award

Award: $10,000
Deadline: Typically closes in June; please visit website for details.

  • Must demonstrate contributions or a commitment to the Puerto Rican and Latino community.
  • Must be enrolled in the upcoming academic year and demonstrate financial hardship.
  • Must reside in either New York State or New Jersey, must be enrolled in an ABA Accredited New York State or New Jersey State law school, or must have stated commitment to work in New York State upon completion of their law school education.


Pedro Zamora Young Leaders Scholarship

Award: $5,000
Deadline: Typically closes in July; please visit website for details.

  • Open to all current high school seniors and college freshman, sophomores, and juniors (ages 27 and younger).
  • Must be enrolled in a U.S. community college or four-year university. Proof of acceptance or enrollment is required.
  • The academic, extracurricular, and/or career pursuits of scholars must be consistent with the goals of the scholarship program, including demonstrating an active commitment to community justice work, public service, and other leadership roles.


Tylenol Future Care Scholarships

Award: Up to $10,000; multiple scholarships available.
Deadline: Typically closes in August; please visit website for details.

  • Must be a resident of the U.S., Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia.
  • Be a graduate student or college senior who will be enrolling in graduate school during the 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Must be able to provide proof of enrollment in a graduate program in medical school, nursing, and/or pharmacy.
  • Must have one or more years of school remaining.


The Gates Scholarship

Award: Full cost of attendance that is not already covered by other financial aid; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Typically closes in September; please visit website for details.

  • Must be a high school senior.
  • Must be from at least one of the following ethnicities: African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native (proof of tribal enrollment required), Asian & Pacific Islander American, and/or Hispanic American.
  • Must be Pell-eligible.
  • Must be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident.
  • Must be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent).
  • Must plan to enroll full-time, in a four-year degree program, at a U.S. accredited, not-for-profit, private, or public college or university. 

QuestBridge National College Match Program

Award: Full four-year scholarship; awards vary based on college partner match.
Deadline: Typically closes in September; please visit website for details.

  • Must graduate from high school during or before the summer and plan to enroll as a freshman in college in the upcoming fall semester.
  • Open to all U.S. citizens and permanent residents or students, regardless of citizenship, currently attending high school in the U.S.
  • Must be earning primarily A’s in the most challenging courses offered.
  • Must demonstrate strong writing skills and intellectual curiosity, plus resilience, integrity, and motivation to succeed.
  • Typically from a household earning less than $65,000 annually with minimal assets (for a household of four members).


Diversity Scholarship Foundation (DSF) Scholarships

Award: Multiple awards; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Typically closes in October; please visit website for details.

  • Must be pursuing a law degree in an accredited law school in Illinois, Indiana or Wisconsin or Iowa.
  • Must have completed two semesters of law school unless applying for the LSAT scholarship as an undergraduate student or recent graduate.
  • Individuals who receive scholarships must attend the Unity Award Gala.
  • Some criteria vary by scholarship; please visit website for details. 

Golden Doors Scholars

Award: Please visit website for details.
Deadline: Typically closes in October; please visit website for details.

  • Must be graduating or have graduated high school and reside in one of our regional states: North Carolina, South Carolina or Georgia.
  • Applicants must have DACA, TPS, U-1 visa, pending asylum, pending refugee status, or be undocumented.
  • Applicants must have high financial need.
  • Must have an unweighted high school GPA of 3.2.
  • Applicants must live in the U.S. for at least four years before applying for the Golden Doors Scholarship.
  • Willingness to attend a Golden Door Scholar partner school, regardless of location.
  • Willingness to pursue a major aligned with Golden Door Scholars’ preferred majors list.


Good Tidings Foundation Community Service Scholarship

Award: $10,000
Deadline: Typically closes in November; please visit website for details

  • Must be a graduating high school senior.
  • Must reside in one of the following California counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Lake, Marin, Monterey, Napa, Sacramento, San Benito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, or Yolo.
  • Winners must volunteer a minimum of one shift (two to four hours) for our Good Tidings’ Winter Wonderland Toy Giveaway Program in Burlingame, CA.
  • Must plan on attending college, vocational, or continuing education.

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) Scholarship Program

Award: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.

  • Must be a current high school senior or a current college or university student.
  • Must demonstrate financial need if required by scholarship sponsor (typically determined by FAFSA).
  • Meet specific criteria for the scholarships to which they are applying.
  • Intend to enroll at a HACU-member institution in the Fall 2025 semester/term of the 2025-2026 academic year.
  • For college and university students, must currently be enrolled in a HACU-member college or university in the U.S. or Puerto Rico at the time applications are completed and scholarship awards are made. Students transferring schools, the school must also be a HACU member to be eligible to apply.
  • For college and university students, must have completed first semester of college at a HACU-member institution. 

UCLA Law Achievement Fellowship

Award: Full-tuition scholarship.
Deadline: November 15, 2025

  • Must pursue a J.D. degree.
  • Applicants must take the LSAT or the GRE.
  • Academically talented, high-achieving applicants who have also overcome significant obstacles in life, such as socio-economic disadvantage, disability, being the first in their family to attend college, attending under-resourced schools, or other major hardships or challenges. Hardships such as homelessness, working multiple jobs or long hours in high school or college, being undocumented, living in foster care, receiving government assistance, and subsisting at or near the federal poverty line are just a few examples of the types of disadvantages that have been considered in the past when awarding the Achievement Fellowship.


Alice Newell Joslyn Medical Scholarship

Award: $500 – $2,000
Deadline: December 1, 2025

  • Must be entering the Medical/Health Care profession i.e.; dental/medical assistant, nursing, physical therapist, or seeking their Bachelor of Science, Master’s or Doctorate in the health field.
  • Must be living or attending a high school or college in San Diego County at the time of the application.
  • Eligibility is contingent upon a student’s financial need, scholastic determination, and community/cultural awareness.
  • Scholarship recipients may re-apply contingent on scholastic progress.
  • Must include two letters of recommendation, personal statement, academic transcripts, and Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) based on your Student Aid Report (SAR). 

Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

Award: $25,000
Deadline: Typically closes in December; please visit website for details.

  • The Atlas Shrugged contest is open to all high school, college, and graduate students worldwide.
  • Undocumented students are encouraged to apply.

 The Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest

Award: $1,000 – $10,000; please visit website for details on yearly essay question and instructions.
Deadline: Typically closes in December; please visit website for details.

  • Must be a registered full-time undergraduate student at an accredited four-year college or university in the U.S. during the fall semester.
  • Or fulfill the guideline requirements and are studying abroad during the fall semester, as long as the student is registered as a full-time junior or senior at their home school in the U.S.
  • Or an international or non-citizen student who fulfills the guideline requirements and is attending school in the U.S. 

The Fountainhead Essay Contest

Award: $25,000
Deadline: Typically closes in December; please visit website for details.

  • Must be a middle or high school student, 13 years or older, anywhere in the world.
  • Undocumented students are encouraged to apply. 

Point Foundation: College Scholarships for LGBT Students

Award: Financial award based on need; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Typically closes in December; please visit website for details.

  • Must be enrolled or intending to enroll at an accredited college or university based in the U.S.
  • Must be enrolled or intend to enroll in one of the following types of programs: bachelor’s degree, master’s, or doctoral degree, or a medical, law or other professional degree.
  • Must be “out” as a person who identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community.
  • Community college students must be transferring to a four-year college or university.
  • Must be at least a senior in high school.
  • Students enrolled or intending to enroll in a college or university in a U.S. territory, community college, online programs or trade schools are not eligible. 

Ted & Holly Rollins Scholarship

Award: $5,000
Deadline: Typically closes in December; please visit website for details.
Requirements: Scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors based on the most compelling stories regarding their life, their intended field of study, career, and how they will make an impact on the world.

Scholarships with Varying Deadlines/ Becas con plazos variables

California Teachers Association (CTA)

Award: $3,000 – $20,000
Deadline: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Requirements: Must be a CTA member, student CTA member or dependent of a member. 

Hispanic Education Endowment Fund (Orange County)

Award: $2,000 – $10,000; varies by scholarship.
Deadline: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.

  • Must be of Hispanic heritage.
  • First-generation college student.
  • An Orange County (O.C.), California, high school graduate or an O.C. community college transfer student who plans to enroll full-time at a four-year college or university in the upcoming fall semester.
  • Latinx resident who has lived in O.C. for the past three years.
  • Demonstrate financial need through a completed FAFSA application or California Dream Act Application.

Public Relations Student Society of America

Award: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Requirements: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.

UCLA Graduate Fellowships, Scholarships & Grants

Award: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Requirements: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details. 

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Award: Multiple scholarships available in 29 categories of art and writing, award amounts vary; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Varies by scholarship and region; please visit website for details.
Requirements: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.

Society of Women Engineers

Award: Multiple awards available.
Deadline: First year scholars’ application closes on March 31, 2025; please visit website for more details.

  • Must identify as a woman.
  • Must be studying engineering or computer science full time at the collegiate level in the upcoming academic year or are a Re-entry student.
  • Must be enrolled in a program accredited by ABET, the India National Board of Accreditation, or at a SWE Global Affiliate School in India.
  • Must be planning to attend full time (exceptions are made for reentry and non-traditional applicants).
  • Must not be fully funded for tuition, fees, and books and equivalent.
  • Transcripts must be in English.
  • Have a high school GPA above 3.5 or a University GPA above 3.0.

Additional Scholarships for College Students

*The following scholarships require legal status or U.S. citizenship as a qualifying factor.

Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarship

Award: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Deadline: June 30, 2025

  • Must submit a form indicating a sincere interest in an automotive career.
  • Must have received an acceptance letter from an accredited college, university or trade school and will be a full-time student.
  • Students attending a technical training school may also apply (trade school should equal a two-year associate program).
  • Must provide official transcript and two letters of recommendation.
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or in the U.S. on a student visa.
  • Must be enrolled full-time.
  • Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. 

College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

Award: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Deadline: Typically closes in November; please visit website for details.

  • Students must be both of the following:
    • Migratory or seasonal farmworkers (or children of such workers).
    • Enrolled in their first year of undergraduate studies at an institution of higher education. 

General Scholarship Program and The Promise of Nursing Scholarship Program

Award: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details.
Deadline: January 23, 2026
Requirements: Please visit website for details. 

Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) HACER Scholarship

Award: Up to $100,000
Deadline: March 6, 2025

  • Must be a high school senior and younger than 21 years old.
  • Must be eligible to attend a two- or four-year college, university, or technical school with a full course of study.
  • Must disclose other scholarship programs applied to.
  • Must enroll and attend an accredited institution in the academic year after their selection.
  • Must be a legal U.S. resident, U.S. Citizen or a DREAMER/DACA recipient.
  • Must have at least one parent of Hispanic/Latino heritage.
  • Must have a minimum 2.8 GPA.

The American Dental Association Foundation: Dental Student Scholarship Program

Award: $1,000 – $5,500; varies by scholarship.
Deadline: Typically opens in July and closes in September; please visit website for details.
Requirements: Varies by scholarship; please visit website for details. 

World Studios AIGA Scholarships

Award: $2,500 – $3,750
Deadline: April 21, 2025

  • Undergraduate students must be U.S. citizen or in possession of a permanent resident card or Form I-551.
  • Graduate international students may be considered if they meet the other eligibility requirements, are enrolled in a Graduate School program within the U.S., and the impact of their work will have a significant impact on the U.S.
  • Must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in graphic design, illustration, or photography.
  • Applicants must be matriculated or planning to at accredited colleges and universities in the U.S. for fall and spring semesters and must maintain full-time status.
  • Must have at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Must complete the FAFSA form to demonstrate financial need.
  • Creative talent and commitment to giving back to the community are primary factors in the review and selection process.

Additional Resources/Recursos Adicionales

The U.S. Department of Education Resource Guide: Supporting Undocumented Youth

This resource released by the U.S. Department of Education in October 2015 is an extensive guide aimed at helping educators, school leaders, and community organizations better support undocumented youth, including DACA recipients. 


View the “Keeping the Dream Alive: Resource Guide for Undocumented Students” for tips on resume writing and fundraising for college. 

Immigrants Rising

This website provides a list of scholarships for qualified undocumented students in the San Francisco Bay Area.  The organization provides free legal case-analysis services for undocumented youth. To inquire, contact Jesus Flores at

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Scholarship Database

Visit this website for scholarship opportunities for Latino students with a history of performing public service-oriented activities in the community.

Visit this website for tips on how to conduct a scholarship search; who to ask for help at your school; how to prepare your scholarship applications, including tips on writing the winning scholarship essay, and creating a resume.


The other things you need to apply for college!



  • Start now — write down all activities and groups you’ve participated in while in high school, and be specific!
  • Include on your list all of your activities and accomplishments by grade level:
    • Internships and volunteer work
    • Jobs
    • Sports teams
    • School clubs (leadership, student government, etc.)
    • Clubs outside of school (church/community youth groups, Boys and Girls Club etc.)
    • Performing arts, visual arts, band/orchestra, debate skills
    • Other important extracurricular involvement
  • List separately all awards and recognitions you have received as an individual or as part of a group/team.
  • Document the time period during which you participated in each activity listed:
    • Include a start date and an end date or if it’s an ongoing activity.
  • Write a short statement describing your role within each activity on your “brag sheet.”



  • Look for sample personal statements online to get an idea of how a personal statement should be written.
  • Draft a few personal statements as you enter your senior year.
  • Ask a few other people to read your drafts and provide feedback.
  • Modify your personal statements in order to use them for different applications.



  • Determine how many letters of recommendation you will need:
    • Which colleges/universities that you’re applying to will require an LOR?
    • Of those colleges/universities—how many LORs does each request?
  • Decide whom you will ask to write an LOR for you:
  • Ask yourself with whom you have a good professional relationship? Who has seen your best work?
    • Don’t limit your recommenders to teachers only—think of internship/volunteer supervisors, bosses, and coaches!
  • Inform your letter writers when the letter is due, and where and how the letter should be sent (should it be given to you, emailed to the university, etc.).


Tip! Create a chart to help keep track of your letters of recommendation

College/University How Many LOR? Who’s agreed? LOR Due Date
Your First Choice 2 Mr. Riva and Ms. Loya Dec. 15
A Great Choice 1 Mr. Riva Dec. 31
A Good Choice 2 (3 preferred) Mr. Riva, Ms. Loya and Coach Vega Jan. 1



  • Ask your school counselor about any policy on sending “official transcripts” to colleges/universities:
    • Official transcripts are transcripts that are sealed and mailed by your high school’s staff to a college/university.
    • Unofficial transcripts are transcripts that students can print (if your school makes them available online), or transcripts that are printed by the school but are not
  • Request that your official transcript be sent to the colleges/universities to which you are applying.

 Note: Depending on your school’s policy, you might have to complete a request form.



  • Search for scholarships under many different categories! Scholarships may be based on:
    • Race/ethnicity
    • Interests
    • Intended major
    • Talents
    • Sports
    • Gender
    • Parental employment
    • Written expression (essay, etc.)
  • Understand clearly your eligibility and qualifications. Decide which scholarships best meet your needs.
  • Stay organized! Keep track of all deadlines and stay on task!


[1] The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. Taking the SAT or its competitor, the ACT, is required for freshman entry to many, but not all, universities in the United States. On March 5, 2014, the College Board announced that a redesigned version of the SAT would be administered for the first time in 2016. The exam will revert to the 1600-point scale, the essay will be optional, and students will have three hours to take the exam plus 50 additional minutes to complete the essay.

Scholarship and Resource Providers:

If you would like your scholarship or resource to be considered in our Scholarship Resource Guide, Please contact Odaliz Cabrera at

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