MALDEF and Other Civil Rights Groups File Legal Challenge to Arizona Racial Profiling Law

PHOENIX, AZ – MALDEF and a coalition of civil rights groups filed a class action lawsuit today in a federal court in Phoenix challenging Arizona’s new law requiring police to demand “papers” from people they stop who they suspect are not authorized to be in the U.S. The extreme law, the coalition charged, invites the racial profiling of people of color, violates the First Amendment and interferes with federal law.

Costa Mesa Halts Enforcement of Anti-Solicitation Ordinance After Civil Rights Groups Sue

LOS ANGELES, CA – The city of Costa Mesa today halted enforcement of its anti-solicitation ordinance in response to a lawsuit brought by MALDEF, The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. The suit was brought on behalf of day laborers represented by the Asociacion de Jornaleros de Costa Mesa and the Colectivo Tonantzin.