An important initiative is catching on nationwide to assure that public schools everywhere provide education on the same set of core skills and knowledge. Still, there remains much work to be done in ensuring that implementation of common core state standards is completed in the best way to serve all students. As state budgets for education face serious challenges in virtually every state, public school parents, community leaders and education advocates must be involved and stay informed in order to ensure that implementation achieves this goal.
Public Policy Education
MALDEF Applauds Federal Action To Ensure That Every Child Has Access To Public Education
United States v. State of Texas
Statement of Cynthia Valenzuela Dixon National Director of Litigation
MALDEF Criticizes Texas Governor’s Decision to Reject Federal Education Improvement Funds
MALDEF & Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Decry School Districts Efforts to Keep Children Out of Schools
SAN ANTONIO, TX – Today, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) and Texas RioGrande Legal Aid (TRLA) strongly criticized Texas school districts seeking to exclude students from enrollment based on allegations that the students do not reside within school district boundaries. MALDEF and TRLA are working to inform parents, students and educators of the legal rights of students attending public schools in Texas and the state and local requirements that school districts must adhere to governing student enrollment.
New Report Highlights Latina Students Face Greater Challenges Than Counterparts
Listening to Latinas: Barriers to High School Graduation
States Must Stop Misuse Of Federal Education
United States v. Chicago Public Schools (Amicus Counsel)
MALDEF is committed to ensuring that public schools do not ignore the needs of students with limited English proficiency and creating opportunities for all students to succeed academically. In its landmark 1974 decision in Lau v. Nichols, the United States Supreme Court held that public schools cannot fail to provide for the needs of their non-English speaking students, reasoning that “students who do not understand English are effectively foreclosed from any meaningful education,” and that “[b]asic English skills are at the very core of what these public schools teach.”
AB 540 — Access to College for ALL!
AB 540 allows qualified undocumented students to be exempt from paying significantly higher out-of-state tuition at public colleges and universities in California. By making college more affordable, AB 540 has had a significant impact on the lives of many undocumented students who have dreams of attending college.
United States and CRUCIAL v. Ector County Independent School District
Immigrant Integration
MALDEF strongly supports proactive efforts by Congress and state legislatures to welcome new immigrants and weave them into the fabric of their new communities. As immigrants continue to be a growing portion of our nation’s schools and workforce, it is critical that investments are made to train and educate English language learners (ELL) and assist them transition into their new communities. To this end, MALDEF has led a coalition of over 200 local and national organizations in support of legislation that invests in English language acquisition opportunities for adults and children; creates incentives for businesses to educate their workers and be a part of the integration of immigrants; and provides resources to help communities bring together key stakeholders.
Language Access
MALDEF recognizes that learning English is critical to participating in, contributing to, and succeeding in American society. However, English-only and Official English laws do nothing constructive to advance the important goal of English proficiency. Instead, such laws are discriminatory and carry with them the potential to jeopardize the health, safety, and well-being not only of English Language Learners (ELLs), but of our communities as a whole. Laws that interfere with or undermine the government’s ability to communicate quickly and effectively are simply bad public policy.