Immigrants’ Rights

Costa Mesa Halts Enforcement of Anti-Solicitation Ordinance After Civil Rights Groups Sue

LOS ANGELES, CA – The city of Costa Mesa today halted enforcement of its anti-solicitation ordinance in response to a lawsuit brought by MALDEF, The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. The suit was brought on behalf of day laborers represented by the Asociacion de Jornaleros de Costa Mesa and the Colectivo Tonantzin.

MALDEF, ACLU/SC Y NDLON Presentan Demanda Impugnando la Ordenaza de la Ciudad de Cost Mesa Contra Las Personas Que Piden Trabajo

COSTA MESA, CA – Hoy, MALDEF, la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles del Sur de California (ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Red Nacional para Organizar a los Jornaleros (“Day Laborer’s Organizing Network”, NDLON) anunciaron la radicación de una demanda impugnando la ordenanza de la ciudad de Costa Mesa contra las personas que piden trabajo como inconstitucional.

MALDEF Wins Temporary Injunction Halting DPS Denial of Driver’s Licenses to Legal Immigrants

AUSTIN, TX – Today, the 419th District Court in Travis County issued a temporary injunction blocking the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) from enforcing rules that deny driver’s licenses to legal immigrants living and working in Texas. The lawsuit was filed by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) on behalf of five individuals who are authorized to reside and work in the United States and a landscaping business that legally employs foreign workers under the federal H-2B program. The case challenges the recently-adopted illegal and overreaching rules and policies of the Texas DPS that prevent thousands of persons across Texas from receiving standard-issued licenses even though they possess valid immigration documents issued by the federal government.

Vicente v. Barnett

Since the late 1990’s, vigilantes along the Mexican-American border have engaged in private campaigns to hunt and detain Latino immigrants or presumed immigrants often against their will and by gunpoint. In March 2004, a group of Latinos were violently assaulted, detained and threatened with death by rancher Roger Barnett, his wife, Barbara, and his brother, Donald.