LOS ANGELES, CA – Please attribute the following statement on Rep. Xavier Becerra's appointment to be the next attorney general of California to MALDEF President and General Counsel Thomas A. Saenz.
“MALDEF congratulates Rep. Xavier Becerra on his appointment to serve as California's attorney general, and we congratulate Governor Jerry Brown on this inspired selection to succeed Senator-elect Kamala Harris. Rep. Becerra is an accomplished lawyer and elected legislator. His achievements in all of his previous endeavors, including his many years in Congress, demonstrate that he will be an excellent attorney general and statewide leader. California's attorney general has numerous critical responsibilities, including defending the laws of the state and defending the rights of all of its residents. It is abundantly clear, based on MALDEF's experience working with Rep. Becerra, that he will undertake these responsibilities with great skill and tremendous commitment; great success will result for all Californians.”