site will stream Senate confirmation hearings all week to engage Latino on-line community nationwide

WASHINGTON, DC – The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), the leading Latino civil rights organization, announced today that it has confirmed plans to live stream the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearing of Judge Sonia Sotomayor on its website,, every day next week starting at 10:00 a.m. EST on Monday, July 13. Judge Sotomayor will make her opening statements directly after the opening announcements on Monday. The review of her record will begin the following day, July 14.

“The Latino community is bursting with pride and excitement over the pending confirmation hearings of Judge Sotomayor. She has an impeccable record of accomplishment and possesses all of the credentials and experience that make her worthy of serving on the nation’s highest court,” stated Henry Solano, MALDEF’s Interim President and General Counsel. “MALDEF looks forward to making her confirmation hearings accessible to the community to engage their support and share in this historical event.”

MALDEF is committed to ensuring that the Latino community across the nation can engage in this historic proceeding and can easily access it from their home computers. For this reason MALDEF has secured a live feed from the hearing to its website on the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor. This website and coverage of the hearings will help to educate all Americans about the qualifications, experience and commitment to justice that makes Judge Sotomayor eminently qualified for the highest court in our nation.

MALDEF acknowledges the hard work of many Senate leaders who worked tirelessly, to move forward with this vital hearing. It is our hope that citizens from across the nation will use the tools that MALDEF has made available on its website for supporting Judge Sotomayor in her historic nomination and contact their Senators to urge them to vote “Yes” to confirm Judge Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court.

For all media inquiries, please contact Laura Rodriguez.