Former MALDEF Regional Counsel Marisa J. Demeo Among Nominees

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, President Obama announced his intent to nominate two Associate Judges to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Marisa J. Demeo and Florence Y. Pan. Magistrate Judge Demeo was born in Washington, D.C and throughout her career has been active in her work with public interest groups including Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and Texas Rural Legal Aid in addition to her work with MALDEF as regional counsel. Florence Pan grew up in New Jersey and clerked for former Attorney General Michael Mukasey on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. She currently serves as Deputy Chief of the Appellate Section in the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.

MALDEF President and General Counsel John Trasviña released the following statement in support of President Obama’s nominees:

“MALDEF takes special pride in President Obama's nomination of Marisa Demeo and Florence Pan to be Associate Judges at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. These women have contributed greatly to the local District community and demonstrate the increasing levels of legal talent among Latinos and Asian Americans in the District and across the nation. Demeo served as MALDEF's regional counsel in the District for many years and brings a wealth of expertise and experiences that will serve the Superior Court well. Both have reputations as being fair-minded and respectful of all who come before the courts — attorneys, litigants, jurors, court personnel, and the general public. The District will be well served.”

For all media inquiries, please contact Laura Rodriguez.